Demolition Accidents

Demolition Accidents

Demolition Accidents

New York Demolition Injuries Attorney

Safety Regulations for Construction

Demolition work involves many of the hazards associated with construction. However, demolition involves additional hazards due to unknown factors which makes demolition work particularly dangerous. An engineering survey completed by a competent person before any demolition work takes place should include the condition of the structure and the possibility of an unplanned collapse.

The firm is familiar with New York State construction site regulations and labor laws that can be applied to demolition accident cases. We are dedicated to helping victims of demolition site injuries obtain the financial compensation they need and deserve.

Many workers who are hurt on the job as a result of a demolition accident do not realize that they may be entitled to bring a personal injury action and that they are protected by the labor laws of New York.

Before demolition takes place, the following factors must be addressed:
  • Relocating and securing any utilities
  • Designating fire air and emergency services
  • Fire evacuation and prevention plans
  • Assessing potential health-related hazards
  • Determining the proper protection and equipment
crane digging in dirt

If you or a loved one have suffered a serious injury as a result of a demolition accident which involved Implosion, Dismantling, Soft Strip Demolition, Demolition by hand, Demolition by Wrecking Ball, Demolition by Pusher Arm, Demolition by Deliberate Collapse, Demolition by Wire Rope Pulling, Demolition by Explosion or Implosion, Demolition using Grapples and Shears, Demolition by High-Reach Demolition Excavators, Underwater Demolition, Demolition by Hydraulic Equipment, Cranes,

Excavators, Bulldozers, Rotational Hydraulic Shears, Silenced Rock-Breakers or any other type of demolition methods, please contact our firm to discuss your case.

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